• Question: what are the main structural differences in worms and what one has the most peculiar structure?

    Asked by skyrim2 to Matt on 2 Dec 2011.
    • Photo: Matt Berriman

      Matt Berriman answered on 2 Dec 2011:

      There are two major types of parasitic worms: flatworms (=flukes + tapeworms) and round worms. The round worms come in all sizes but are typical wormy shape (pointy at both ends). They have a gut running all the way through them (rather like us). The tapeworms and flukes are very varied. A tapeworm has a head, normally with hooked teeth to hang on with. Below their neck they have lots of body segments and each one is egg factory. Flukes are small and flat. They have a sucker on the side to hang on with and a mouth. The gut has only one opening so they eat blood, digest it and then vomit out the remains!
